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What is the number 1 weight loss product?

What is the number 1 weight loss product?

PhenQ is one of the most effective non-chemical weight loss and slimming pills currently on the market. It claims that it ...

Editors Picks

Does the dietary supplement make you skinny?

Does the dietary supplement make you skinny?

A new study published in the journal Obesity has found that dietary supplements do not cause dramatic weight loss as they ...

Do dietary supplements influence metabolism?

Do dietary supplements influence metabolism?

From the available evidence, it appears that commercially available dietary supplements advertised to stimulate...

Are dietary supplements good for weight loss?

Are dietary supplements good for weight loss?

A new study published in the journal Obesity found that dietary supplements do not result in dramatic weight loss, as...

Do apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight?

Do apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight?

Apple cider vinegar is not likely to be effective for weight loss. Proponents of apple cider vinegar claim that it has...

Can dietary supplements help you lose weight?

Can dietary supplements help you lose weight?

A new study published in the journal Obesity found that dietary supplements do not result in dramatic weight loss, as...

Common dietary supplements for weight loss?

Common dietary supplements for weight loss?

Chromium is a popular supplement for weight loss, but its effectiveness and long-term safety are uncertain. Guar gum and...